Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Iklan internet murah efektif berkualitas indonesia - Resep Ayam bumbu rujak

Iklan internet murah efektif berkualitas indonesia - Resep Ayam bumbu rujak
Iklan internet murah efektif berkualitas indonesia - Resep Ayam bumbu rujak
Iklan internet murah efektif berkualitas indonesia : Resep Ayam bumbu rujak - Bored with chicken opportunistic? Chicken mixed with spicy savory alternative to this could be served with a rice cake or rice cake. Cooked slowly until the marinade seep perfect. Savory spicy tasty, tasty!

250 g of breast / chicken thighs
1 orange juice, take the water
1 teaspoon salt
150 g red pepper, crushed
50 g pecans, baked / fried, mashed
1 teaspoon tamarind
1 tsp violations
½ tsp sugar
500 ml coconut milk diluted
100 ml thick coconut milk

How to make:

Marinate chicken with fresh lime juice and salt, let some time in the refrigerator.
Roasted / grilled chicken until half cooked, set aside
Heat the coconut milk diluted in the pan, put red pepper and nutmeg. Cook until boiling.
Season with salt, sugar and tamarind, bring to a boil again.
Add chicken roasted / grilled.
Cook over low heat until chicken is cooked.
Add coconut milk, stir until evenly distributed.
Reduce heat and simmer until the sauce thickened.

For 2 people

Serving suggestions:

Cut the grilled chicken square, inserted into the chicken broth.
At the time of presentation, arrange neatly on a plate that has been filled salad seasoning sauce.
Garnish with sliced ​​ginger and red pepper slices are fried.

This article about Iklan internet murah efektif berkualitas indonesia : Resep Ayam bumbu rujak

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